The Gavin's Village Blog


Understanding the Family Dance Jun 09, 2024

Have you ever wondered why your family dynamic is the way that it is? Have you noticed that a nuclear family within your extended family behaves differently from your own? Our families play a big...

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Avoid Being a Prisoner to Your Past May 01, 2024

Want to listen to this topic in audio form? Check out episode #30 here.

Have you ever learned a bad habit and despite remorse, you still repeat that same bad habit? Think about a simple thing that...

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How To Overcome Despair despair health Feb 07, 2024

We all face challenges in life that bring us down for a short time - maybe not being selected for an opportunity we wanted, losing a sports game, or the car breaking down at an inconvenient time....

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Unraveling the Mystery: Understanding the Lack of Motivation in Life health motivation Jan 25, 2024

What is motivation? Motivation is, “the energizing of behavior in pursuit of a goal” and can be intrinsic, coming from within, or extrinsic, coming from external forces (Simpson,...

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Unveiling Loneliness: Recognizing Signs in Men and Women loneliness men women Jan 25, 2024

Humans are social creatures and need genuine connection with other people - friends, family members, colleagues, classmates, and people in subcommunities like sports teams or religious groups. When...

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Nurturing Your Spirit: A Guide to Improving Spiritual Health health spiritual Jan 03, 2024

What is spirituality? For some, spirituality takes form in organized religion, but for others, it does not. Research professor and author Dr. Brené Brown defines spirituality as:...

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